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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are You A Perfectionist ?

Took this quiz just to see the result. I'm sometimes perfectionist, but not all the time. I like to do work on my own cus I don't really like it when you work with ppl... they don't do it perfectly or nicely. But other than that, if I really have to adapt with a situation.. I still will try my best to fit in without complaining. Hah. So, after answering all these questions... I am a...........???

Question: If you've done a pretty great job with a project, but are running out of time to finish it to the caliber you'd like. Most likely you would:
Keep working at my same careful pace and finish the job to my original high standards, but late.
Do a decent job to complete it well--though not perfectly--but on time.
Do an okay--though not great--job and finish as quickly as possible.

Question: Do you ever find yourself procrastinating? If so, why?
No, I don't really have a problem with procrastination. I'm always eager to dive in, and find that putting things off only increases my stress.
I do sometimes to procrastinate, though I don't intend to. I get so wrapped up with my plans and worrying about things being perfect that sometimes I just can't bring myself to start things.
I do tend to procrastinate, just because I tend to find so many things that are more fun to do.

Question: If you try something and find you're not very good at it, but would like to be, how would you normally handle it?
I would probably give up. I really don't enjoy doing things I'm not good at, and there are so many other areas where I can really excel.
I would probably keep at it. I may never be great, but I can certainly improve a lot and be pretty good.
I would probably give up, just because it seems like a lot of effort. I like doing things that are easy.

Question: When you look your work, what do you tend to notice most?
I notice the overall job, which is usually pretty spectacular, and focus on what's really great about what I've done.
I don't really pay much attention to my work once I've completed it.
The mistakes I've made and the little imperfections.

Question: When you look at the work of others, what do you tend to notice most?
I notice the overall job they've done, and tend to focus on the high points.
I don't really pay much attention to others' work.
I notice the mistakes they've made, and the little imperfections.

Question: When you look at your appearance, what do you tend to notice the most?
I notice what I would like to change about myself.
I don't really pay much attention to my appearance.
I notice what I like about myself.

Question: Do people tell you you're difficult to please?
Yes, unfortunately, people tend to think my expectations of them are too high or too rigid.
No. I'm told I expect a lot of people, but my expectations are within their abilities, so I tend more to draw out the best in people, while making them feel good.
No, I don't expect much.

Question: When striving toward a goal, what do you tend to focus on or enjoy the most?
I'm focused on the results; I have my eye on the prize.
I'm focused on the process at least as much as the results; I enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
Honestly, I don't strive that much; if I do have to work toward a goal, I mostly just want to be done with it.

Question: What are your feelings toward failure?
I don't think too much about it.
I can find value in these experiences. I'm usually able to see my mistakes and failures as learning experiences that will only make me stronger in the future.
I tend to really fear failure, so I avoid it at all costs. When I do fail, it's hard not to beat myself up over it.

Question: How does constructive criticism feel to you?
Normally, criticism feels like an attack to me. It's often hard to see what's 'constructive' about it.
I value feedback, even when it's not positive; it helps me improve my performance.
I don't pay too much attention to it.

Question: How do you normally respond to constructive criticism?
I tend to get defensive and explain why I'm not wrong, or why they're being too critical.
I normally thank the person for their input, and take it to heart, discarding it only after a thorough and objective evaluation.
I let it go in one ear and out the other.

Question: How does failure affect you emotionally?
I tend to get pretty depressed and down on myself.
I bounce back pretty quickly and go on to the next challenge.
I'm honestly not that driven to excellence, so failure doesn't bother me much.

Question: Do you worry about failing?
I don't worry too much about failure. As long as I do my best, I consider myself a success.
I don't worry too much about failure. I don't try that many new things to begin with, so failure isn't too often a factor.
I do tend to stress about it, to the point where it's harder to enjoy my endeavors.

Question: Imagine you've taken a test, and you got 96 out 100 questions right. You'd feel:
A little disappointed. After all, four were wrong.
Pleased with myself. It's a solid A, and I can do even better next time.
Ecstatic! I'm not much for studying, so it was probably some really lucky guesses.

Question: Do you honestly think you may be a perfectionist?
Probably not.
Yes, or at least possibly.
Absolutely not.

source : perfectionism quiz

You have completed the quiz.

You're A Perfectionist (omg!)

You probably already know that your perfectionistic tendencies cause you stress and complicate your life in some ways, but you probably don't realize the extent of perfectionism's negative effects on your lifestyle and stress level. The resources below can explain more about perfectionism, and give you resources for changing. I highly recommend you begin the journey now. Don't worry if it takes a little time to change your patterns; any progress made can benefit you from now on!