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Monday, October 26, 2009

Dad’s blind fury leaves girl blinded

Dad’s blind fury leaves girl blinded

"GEORGE TOWN: The man had fought with his wife, complaining that their daughter was not spending enough time on her studies.

And then, he splashed acid on the two and left the 17-year-old schoolgirl permanently blind and her mother dead.

According to Tan Hui Linn’s relatives, the father always wanted her to concentrate on her studies instead of spending time helping her mother at their fried noodle stall.

Now, Hui Linn lies in hospital not knowing that her mother is dead and that she will never be able to see again....."

source: the star

Very sad reading this kind of news, of cus many other sad news everyday. I think her dad is totally mentally-ill. What kind of human is this? Why is it so easy for him to purchase acid? How will the girl esp in her teens have to face her condition and her surrounding? Human acts...!! !!!!*sigh*